I Am Kloot + Jesca Hoop @ The Irish Centre, Leeds – 13/2/13

I Am Kloot

I noticed on Facebook that ‘Jesca Hoop‘ was giving away 2 tickets for each of her gigs as support to the awesome ‘I Am Kloot‘. As I’m a fan of both I thought it was worth a punt and lo and behold…..

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It was my daughter Marisa’s 16th birthday 3 days later, so I asked her if she wanted to join me and I’m delighted to say she did. Kloot are a big favourite in our house since seeing them at the Deershed and WOMAD festivals in 2011. We bounced into the Irish Centre and told the guy on the door that we’d won the Facebook comp “Huh?” “We should be on Jesca Hoops guest list”…..”no”….. He then looked exasperatedly at the many sheets of paper infront of him “I’ve never seen so many for a gig!” – He couldn’t find my name on any of them so with eyes to the sky he gives us the “Oh, just go in” gesture – and in we trot.

Jesca Hoop

First saw Jesca Hoop a couple of years ago and tonight she was just as kooky and cool as she was then. Beautiful guitar picking accompanied songs which are at times difficult to penetrate and sound ‘odd’ but ‘right’. Her banter between tracks was fab – “Who’s ever wanted a broken arm? Ok, a black eye then” A woman at the front admitted to once having one “I bet you felt sexy……Yes you did!”. We got to say ‘thank you’ for the tickets at the Merch stand between sets where she admonished me for being too protective a dad “You’ve got to try and be a cool dad” “I’m trying” “It’s gonna get harder each birthday” – I know!!

I Am Kloot2

I Am Kloot have been going for 13 years now. I first heard of them on a Manchester band compilation ‘Cohesion‘ from 2001 but only really got to love them a couple of years ago whilst listening to their LPs in preperation for their Deershed gig. John Bramwell is a natural front man and did a solo bit….”Which I’ve been doing in the set for about 7 years. I used to think the band were being really generous to me artistically…..til I realised that that’s when the smoking ban came in…”

Live they make a beautiful sound and did our favourites, “Proof” (Marisa) and “I still do” (Me). Marisa was dancing in a sea of people who were gently rocking from side to side and was most happy when some others wriggled through the crowd to join her for a dance at the end. The only problem was she wouldn’t let me take any photos – too embarrassed by the flash – so sorry for poor pics!

A great night and all the better for being free! Thanks Jesca, you’re a star!!


Bob the Chiropodist

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