The Raveonettes, DIIV, Holy Esque: Brudenell Social Club, Leeds – 28/11/12

My mate Mikey McD tends to get a bit obsessed by bands and one of his recent favourites is The Raveonettes. He was playing us their old videos and new stuff a couple of months ago and stayed up listening to them long after we’d all gone to bed. He then had a brainwave at 3am and bought us tickets to see them in Manchester……sad to say that I found out I was lecturing that week end and was unable to go……but happily, they were playing Leeds tonight so Andy, Mike and I went along.

First up were Holy Esque who made a great racket but the lead singers vocals were FAR too high in the mix and I felt like my ear drums were being shredded. If you’re going to scream into the mike, then the vocals should only just be heard over the guitars in my book – not be twice as loud……all great musicians though with some nice guitar interplay.

Bumped into Mark who introduced me to Rob and his dad. Rob (only 25) seemed to know everything about all the bands. DIIV, he informed me, is pronounced ‘Dive’ which used to be their name til they found out someone else had got there first. They were only supporting the Raveonettes at this one gig and playing with the Vaccines later in the week.  They were just fabulous – everything I love in a band. Amazing bass (on the thinnest legs I’ve ever seen) and drums with enthusiastic guitars intertwining and throw away vocals and the odd scream to mix things up…..I loved them! Bought the album and was going to tell them how much I’d enjoyed their set but couldn’t find them afterwards. Some footage here

The Raveonettes are a Danish duo and on record remind me of the Jesus and Mary Chain with thumping drums and bass with feedback guitar and dreamy vocals. Live they make a great sound and seemlessly incorperated a backing track which beefed up their sound (“where’s that piano coming from?”) but  felt a bit like cheating to me. That said, they rocked the joint with Sune’s guitar linking it all together and as Mike noted, most of the indie boys attention was focused on Sharin who kept her guitar tech guy busy, as she changed her instrument after virtually every track. Much better looking than those Reid boys….

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to The Raveonettes, DIIV, Holy Esque: Brudenell Social Club, Leeds – 28/11/12

  1. Pingback: DIIV, Ulrica Spacek – Belgrave Music Hall, Leeds – 22/3/16 | QUIMS

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