Y Niwl & Los Pecadores – Oporto, Leeds 13/03/12

How often does your favourite band come to town and play in a tiny bar…..for free? It happened tonight as Welsh kings of the surf guitar ‘Y Niwl‘ played a great set with some new tunes (we’re into the 20’s now) at Oporto. Managed to have a chat and catch up with them. There’s a new 6Music session in the offing – and even finding out that bass player Sion’s a United fan didn’t spoil the evening 😉


Leeds own men of mystery ‘Los Pecadores‘ played a hard hitting set of metal tinged surf-ish tunes that took no prisoners – no lyrics and no gaps between tunes with “a high note count”. This picture has been doctored to protect the innocent………one to watch for sure!

For those who don’t know, Y Niwl number their songs (1,2 and 3 were on their first EP) in Welsh which sounds pretty exotic to these ears. Alun Confessed to totally forgetting his guitar part for ’24’ recently but remembered it tonight. The new stuff was excellent (here’s the minute masterpiece ‘dauddegpump’) and will soon see the light of day on a 10″ EP. ‘Dauddegdau’ is the 60’s surf guitar personified. Gruff’s wacky organ solos add a new dimension but it’s the interplay of the guitars and bass that is just a joy to hear. Llyr – the new drummer fitted in just fine and full marks to the sound guy (who’d only just started working there after leaving college). Nice to catch up with Mark at the gig too.

A tour for Y Niwl with Jim Jones Review in April beckons – Do yourselves a favour and get there early so you don’t miss these guys.

Bob the Chiropodist

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2 Responses to Y Niwl & Los Pecadores – Oporto, Leeds 13/03/12

  1. Pingback: The Jim Jones Review + Y Niwl + Black Mirrors @ The Sugar Mill, Stoke 21/4/12 | QUIMS

  2. Pingback: X-Ray Cat Trio, Eugene Ripper, Los Pecadores, Snakerattlers – Wharf Chambers – 15/10/18 | QUIMS

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