Big Society! @ City Varieties – 25th January 2012

The venue that used to host “The Good Old Days” (and still does) is a fitting home for this fine piece of old style music hall comedy “The Big Society”. Red Ladder are a local theatre group who have teamed up with Leeds very own anarcho-folkie-superstars Chumbawamba and ex 6Music breakfast jock, QI regular and all round good egg Phil Jupitus.

The show strings together a load of catchy, music hall style songs on a “one rule for the rich and another for the poor” type theme. Was it just preaching to the converted? I don’t think so. There was a huge range of ages present and I doubt many of the retired attendees will be at the front of the next Chumbas gig. Getting these ideas in ‘under the wire’ is so much more effective than ranting about politics – theDave/Nick ventriloquist show, the surreal wardrobe world, the lamenting copper….. it all just worked!

Hats off to Lisa Howard who stole the show for me – what an actress!

“We’re all in this together, all you little people sing along. We’re all in this together, put your shoulder to the wheel and push along. We’re all in this together, as equals we will brave the stormy sea. I shall be the captain and you can work the oars – in our Big Society…..”


– Bob the Chiropodist

PS Great Blog about putting it on by Chumba Boff here

PPS If you’re not so sure about the worth of Political songs (I too saw what ‘Red Wedge’ didn’t do for Labour) then have a read of this


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