Gruff Rhys + Y Niwl @ The Cockpit, Leeds – 6/10/11

I’ve had the pleasure of seeing Y Niwl and their shows with Gruff Rhys a few times this year and unfortunately, tonights will probably be the last as their tour comes to an end. Y Niwl opened up proceedings with their groovy 60’s tinged Surf sound – one of which graces the opening of Football Focus this season.

Gruff came on resplendant in a white suit which nicely showed the old projected cine films that played behind the band. As ever, he was a joy to watch and listen to. The show started with a bunch of older tunes before showcasing the wonderful Hotel Shampoo album. Tunes ranged from pure pop magic (Sensations in the dark had him playing the horn section on mouth organ) through the whimsical (“this is a song about a 7 hour car journey…. told in 3 and a half”) to the beautiful. Her got the scratched record effect on Shark ridden waters by playing a scratched 7″ record on a tiny record player hooked up to his amp.

There was a new Whale songĀ  and one featuring a Welsh term of endearmentĀ  for egg based puddings and a riotous end involving an incident on a plane that nearly blew my eardrums out. Had a chat about it with Alun from Y Niwl afterwards “I keep forgetting to put my earplugs in!”. There’s a new arrival due in the Evans household – good luck to all!

Bob the Chiropodist


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