Eli ‘Paperboy’ Reed + Steve Smyth – Brudenell 3/8/11

Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011

My word, after WOMAD, Deershed, Ash and the Dickies in close proximity I wasnt really looking forward to this as I was KNACKERED! Id got the tickets some time ago and and hadnt realised it was so close to the others gigs..anyhow, I dragged Sledge along and we were both bloody glad I did a fantastic night.


christopher rees leeds 2011


I cant remember the Brudenell ever being as hot as that before support Steve Smyth apologised in advance “Sorry but theyre gonna make you move!”. He didnt do a bad job himself great guitar skills and a sweet voice that was unexpected from his wild-man hairy exterior. He did a lovely version of Summertime to the tune of Stairway to Heaven but it was his off mike manic head shaking I loved. Sledge got his CD and I cant wait to hear it.


Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011


Eli Paperboy Reed & the True Loves nearly took the roof off the place with their brand of smokin soul. Eli is an all rounder who does amazing guitar licks as well as screaming out tune after tune. His band are so tight! The keyboard player made a great MC and the drummer was the happiest min ain the world – I’m sure his smile could be seen from the moon. The crowd loved it and during Take my love with you I initiated singing in the instrumental break Everywhere You Go! which got repeated in a call and response style ACE!


Eli paperboy reed leeds 2011


Last track of the night was the only one I previously knew from a Mojo CD (Doin the) Boom Boom which topped of the night brilliantly. I managed to film a bit of it “DO IT! DO IT!”. I bought the Roll With You CD after the show and its now on repeat in the kitchen..to think I nearly didnt go…if you get the chance, you must!


Bob the Chiropodist

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