Meeting No.16 – Heroes & Villains

A meeting of the quite interesting music society was convened at John Fs downtown apartment amid the glass and steel of Canary Wharfe (Leeds style). Roger was unable to attend but sent along a cryptic poem, or maybe it was song lyrics (that no one recognised).

Harps and Angels – Randy Newman (John F) ‘God’

Hombre Secreto – The Plugz (Jez) ‘Secret Agent Man’

Sonnys Lettah – Linton Kwesi Johnson (Bob) ‘Dirty Babylon’

Top Cat – Theme Tune (Si) ‘The mostest top…

Red Sleeping Beauty – McCarthy (John M) “I thought they were gonna be huge!”

Here comes the City – The Go-Betweens (John F) ‘Dostoevsky’

Vengence – New Model Army (Jez) ‘an assortment of bastards who will one day be made to pay’

Martin – Tom Robinson Band (Bob) ‘Heroic big (?little) brother antics’

Sins of Love – Vincent Vincent and the Villains (Si) ‘Villains indeed….where are they now?’

Dylan – Emmy the Great (John M)

Not Me – Robert Michum (John F) ‘Heroic Movie Star’

Wheres Captain Kirk? – Spizzenergi (Jez) ‘James Tiberius Kirk’

Camouflage – Stan Ridgeway (Bob) ‘An awfully big Marine’

Bastard – Ben Folds (Si)

No Lucifer – British Sea Power (John M)

Jimmy Carter Says Yes – Gene Marshall (John F) ‘His official campaign song’

Urban Guerrilla – Mudhoney (Jez) ‘Guerrilas villains. Hawkwind Heroes’

Sister Josephine – Jake Thackray (Bob) ‘Big Bad Desmond – what a bloody funny nun you are!’

Henry the Great – Jackie Mittoo (Si)

Murderer – Grammatics (John M)

Get a Room – Jim ORourke (John F)

Where next Columbus? – Jeffrey Lewis (Jez) ‘Karl Marx, Benito, Mussolini,Jung, Einstein, Jean Paul Sartre..etc..’

Shopping – Pet Shop Boys (Bob) ‘Greedy Robbing Banker Bastards’

You Stole The Sun From My Heart – Manic Street Preachers (Si)

Dr Strangeluv – Blonde Redhead (John M)

Lets Save Tony Orlandos House – Yo La Tengo (John F) ‘Dawns singing hero’

Stripper Vicar Mansun (Jez)

Jesus Says – Ash (Bob) ‘Marys boy child’

Scooby Snacks – Fun Lovin Criminals (Si) ‘Oobby doobie dooooo’

Jesus Christ – Longpigs (John M)

What have you done – William Shatner (John F) “The water was still and so was she….”

On her majestys secret service – Propellerheads (Jez) ‘007’

The sash my father wore – Ballboy (Bob) ‘Big Fat Bigoted Arsehole’

Vlad the impaler – Kasabian (Si) ‘not raffles then’

Superman – REM (John M)

01-800-Jesus – Stephen Jones (John F)

Baddies Boogie – Babyshambles (Jez) ‘a permanently plastered pissed up bastard!’

In Dreams – Roy Orbison (Bob) ‘Frank Booths favourite song…….so fuckin suave!’

Are you ready to be heartbroken – Lloyd Cole and the Commotions (Si)

I love a man in uniform (Yeah yeah yeah remix) – Gang of Four (John M)

Good Evening Mr Waldheim – Lou Reed (John F) t’heres no ground common enough for you and me’

Washington Bullets – The Clash (Jez) ‘Salvador Allende, Victor Jara, Fidel Castro, Dalia Lama’


Jez did a remarkable cover for his CD not mentioning the tracks by name but by who the hero/villain was. Having spent so much time putting it together, Bob only managed to play a couple of tracks from his CD!



heroes cover

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