Detroit Social Club, 12 Dirty Bullets, Soul Circus, Doyle & The Four Fathers – The Well, Leeds 11/3/11


It was Marks Birthday and hed got tickets to see The Decemberists with Kev and Martin. His better half Sarah was up from Cambridge but didnt fancy that gig as Mark had mentioned the F word (folk that is). Other gigs in town that night included The Charlatans at the Brudenell and Pauline Black at Rios but as we’d met in the Vic, we decided to go for a four band night at The Well. Im ashamed to say that the last time I frequented Josephs Well (as was) it was to see Parva. We used to go there all the time then and it brought back good memories.






We caught the last 3 tunes by Doyle & the Fourfathers who with a little luck could really start something. They were one of the bands involved with saving 6 music so are OK in my book – really going for it at the end energy to burn! There were 2 beautiful bass guitars on show tonight and these had one of them.


soul circus




Not knowing any of the bands, we thought we were probably in for a bit of Motown sound going by their names we thought wrong. Soul Circus are a rock band whos lead singer is dripping in self belief just what you want from a hard rockin band. The guitarist had a dazzling array of effects peddles Id love to know what the bright orange one did.


12 dirty bullets


The band that stole the night for me was 12 Dirty Bullets. They just encapsulated everything I love about indie rock music great tunes, and a great frontman: intense and with a need to speak his mind. “He looks like hes got issues” noted Kul as he threw away a faulty mike stand – but when I met Jamie after the gig he was the nicest of guys & more than happy to sign my copy of their CD Downsides to Making a Living. Please go and see them if you get the chance!


detroit social club


Detroit Social Club again have no Stax-axe to grind. They do have a fervent following reminded me of early James gigs with unashamed male hero worship and the obligatory stage invasion. The bass player had a beautiful red bass guitar that was worth the entrance fee alone. The lead singer was a dead ringer for Kev from Shameless, the synth player could have been from Inspiral carpets and the lead guitarist could stand in as a Brian Cox lookalike. Crowd pleasing anthems left us all smiling.


detroit social club


Mark, Kev and Martin had had a great gig too and met up with us in The Well to finish off the night, drinking and chatting til one. It wont be as long before well be there again a great evening.


mark mark



Bob the Chiropodist

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