Fujiya & Miyagi, Mirrors and Plank! The Brudenell, Leeds 04/03/11


Its been 2 years since Fujiya & Miyagi last strolled into town and this time they brought with them a couple of class acts!


Plank! Started with ‘La Luna’ and did a storming set. Their drums and bass make a sound ‘Can’ or ‘Neu!’ would be proud of! The overlay of guitar solo’s works well. They really impressed and I can imagine them going down a treat late night at Glastonbury….or anywhere actually.


Mirrors plunder Krautrock for their image (looking like a Top Shop Kraftwerk) but their music and enthusiasm remind you more of Depeche Mode or OMD. Fantastically loud synth-bass riffs got us to our feet to dance, unashamedly bringing back the fun of the 80s.


They had a backdrop of movies and showed a lot of clips from Jean Cocteau films.  “Probably Bill Nelsons influence” I thought………”Who?” they said when I suggested this to them at the bar…..Oh these kids have SO much to learn


Fujiya & Miyagi should be huge on the strength of Knickerbocker alone infectious, cool and ultimately danceable – I’d be happy if it lasted 10 Mins plus. A good spread of tunes: old (collerbone) and new (black and blue) were dispensed with the best saved til last..as a Musculoskeletal Podiatrist, how could I not love a song called Ankle Injuries. A fantastic way to end a fantastic night

Bob the Chiropodist

Thanks to Tony for some of the pics

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