Wonk Unit, Aerial Salad, BOTTLEKIDS – Clwb Ifor Bach, Cardiff – 11th January 2020

So, I arranged to take Marisa back to Cardiff where she was starting a new job in a new house with new housemates – exciting. We then see on Facebook that our Jamie was playing that night in Cardiff supporting his mentors ‘Wonk Unit’……result! Sent him a text saying we’d see him there “Food before? Beer after?? Guest list???” Whilst waiting for a reply we play some Wonk Unit and the first track we play goes along the lines of “ask me for guest list and you’re dead to me mothafukka!” – quick text “Je M’appelle Alex – Hahaha” to which he replied “I wouldn’t dare ask him – I even buy tickets to Wonk gigs….and he’s our manager!”

First up were BOTTLEKIDS who had energy to burn and made a great noise. Reminded me of a poppy Metallica with their gutteral guitar sound cutting through. Good Stuff!

Next was Aerial Salad who have come a long way since I last saw them. Tight as anything with a brace of new songs they rocked the Welsh Club. Jamie has adopted a manc swagger whilst wielding his guitar that has the Stone Roses stamped all over it (fitting as he has the Roses lemon painting tattooed on his arm).

Last up were Wonk Unit who are dead funny and happy to take requests from the crowd (except for a guest list obviously). Their albums are really catchy and have been on repeat since the gig. Punk was/is all about doing it yourself and Alex via Wonk embodies this philosophy to the hilt (they even put on their own ‘Wonkfest’ Festival). Great to see them!

The night had been put on by the Cardiff Punk Rock Bowling society which was coming to an end after 11 years – the trophies were brilliant, especially the Joey Ramone ten pin trophy for most strikes – ace!

Bob the Chiropodist

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