The Lovely Eggs, Rob Auton, Mush – Brudenell Social Club – 19/10/18

I’ve been wanting to see the Lovely eggs for a couple of years but everytime they played Leeds I was either on holiday, or at a wedding or away lecturing… annoying….but tonight the stars were aligned and a fantastic night was had by all!

First up were the wonderful Mush all the way from Leeds. I’ve bought all their stuff after coming across them by chance at the Brudenell four years ago. They ended their set with their first single ‘Alternative Facts’ which Holly from the Lovely Eggs said was the track they loved “How can we get to see them – I know, let’s ask them to support us!” – I’m so glad they did…..

Next up was comic Rob Auton who did really funny set (“I thought CCTV was a really positive Spanish TV channel”). He intermated that he didn’t go down that well in Glasgow but he went down a storm in Leeds. His poem on water was great “My books are £10 – if you think that’s expensive….save up!” – would love to see him again.

The Lovely Eggs were the second rock’n’Roll couple we’ve seen this week and it’s obviously good for relationships as both were ace! Tonight David and Holly Rocked out the old room of the Brudenell with style and humour that had eveyone smiling and laughing along. Stories of trying to make onion rings (and failing) after coming home from the pub and an impassioned plee to sign this petition (have signed it and so should you) and saving a punter from being thrown out for enthusiastic dancing “if you’re gonna just stand there with your arms folded stand back a bit – you’ll still get a good view. We feed of that energy”   *Huge cheers*

They hung around after the gig signing stuff and posing for photos – I got a T-Shirt as it had the album cover with a foot on – David:”Your a Chiropodist! our son’s got a verruca” – No charge for the advice – that gig has charged up my batteries for a long time to come – I owe you much more than the twelve quid I paid to get in – A fantastic night!

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to The Lovely Eggs, Rob Auton, Mush – Brudenell Social Club – 19/10/18

  1. Pingback: Commoners Choir round up (feat. Reem Kelani, Stephen Hartley, Leeds Film Festival and George Orwell) | QUIMS

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