X-Ray Cat Trio, Eugene Ripper, Los Pecadores, Snakerattlers – Wharf Chambers – 15/10/18

RUMBLE!!! An amazing amount of talent on show tonight at Wharf Chambers. Sledge and I went along mainly to see ‘Los Pecadores’ but were blown away by the whole night – just fantastic!

The evening had started with a very different musical style for me, as Commoners Choir sang some backing vocals on a beautiful song by Joe Solo about the 6,000 Hull fishermen lost at sea. I didn’t make the photo – as soon as the singing was over I had to dash…….

…….So glad I caught ‘Snakerattlers‘ set – a husband and wife duo celebrating their 2nd anniversary tonight – pulsating and blistering guitar with a rock steady beat – there were happy smiles all round watching these 2 do their thang. Got talking to Dan afterwards “we used to be in the Franceens” “I’ve got one of your cards stuck on my fridge!” (see below). I loved them when I saw them a few years back and can’t wait to see these two again. “We’ve done 150 gigs now and are close to being able to do it full time. If people buy something we can break even”  Snakerattlers T-Shirt? – Of course I want one….

Los Pacadores have abandoned the masks but everything else was the same – fast and ferocious surf music of the highest order – 3 musicians at the top of their game with a special mention to the drummer – how he kept that that pace up I’ll never know. Can’t believe it’s been Six Years since I last saw them!? All new stuff tonight and every tune hit the mark – means a new LP soon….? Let’s hope so.

This was Eugene Ripper‘s last UK date before heading home to Canada – he gets a great rockabilly sound out of his guitar…..

Another band and another set of virtuoso musicians – X-Ray Cat trio have a 50’s rockabilly sound that manages to mix old fashioned innocent Rock’n’Roll ditties with dirty guitar solos that you can’t stand still to. First time I’ve seen a double bass played with a tambourine – these guys know how to rock.

A fabulous night at a ridiculous price – Wharf Chambers – we salute you!

Bob the Chiropodist


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One Response to X-Ray Cat Trio, Eugene Ripper, Los Pecadores, Snakerattlers – Wharf Chambers – 15/10/18

  1. Pingback: The Lovely Eggs, Rob Auton, Mush – Brudenell Social Club – 19/10/18 | QUIMS

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