Party Fears, Nervous Twitch – Wharfe Chambers, Leeds – 9th Oct 2018

It’s a Tuesday night in early October….you haven’t been to a gig for AGES….your fave indie popsters are playing in town….Support your local bands I say…..who cares you have work tomorrow….there’s some rocking to be had…..

Sledge and I have a soft spot for Leeds own Nervous Twitch – we’ve seen them live loads and they’ve never let us down. Short, sharp, punky-pop tunes that the Ramones would be proud of – what’s not to like. Every one’s a winner – Ace Guitar riffs, intricate bass lines, tight drumming…..get on board people!

Party Fears were billed as being a Berlin band who formed in Seoul….so it came as a bit of a suprise that lead singer Maggie had strong Northern Irish accent….they had a great sound and a great set of songs – upbeat and energetic they made us glad we’d ventured out. Catch them if you can.

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to Party Fears, Nervous Twitch – Wharfe Chambers, Leeds – 9th Oct 2018

  1. Pingback: The Vyrll Society, Peach Fuzz, The Astrid – Brudenell Social Club – 18/10/18 | QUIMS

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