The Beths, Fresh, Danny & Beth, Tom Lee – Wharf Chambers – 21/05/18

After catching ‘Fresh’ a few weeks ago, we weren’t going to miss them this time round. Supporting New Zealand’s ‘The Beths’ this was another wonderful night of ‘4 bands for a fiver’ down at Wharf Chambers… a life time member, I heartily approve!

I was singing with Commoners Choir so missed out on Tom Lee who Sledge said, did a great set. I was in time to catch ‘Danny & Beth’ who are brother and sister and had some great sibling banter with the big sis usually winning out “I’ve been working all day what have you done? Hanging out here with your mates is not work!!”. Their harmonies worked really well together – There was a serious song – Danny: “Our mam died last year and said to me ‘I might see the spring but I won’t see the summer – hey, that’s a good name for a song’ so…” in the lyrics she didn’t even survive winter…..would love to see these guys again….

Fresh did a set full of energy with punky tunes that were high on harmonious guitars and beats per minute. “I’ve just done my last exam this morning” said Kathryn which chimed with most of the folk in the room. If her exams were in fabulous short pop punk songs – she’s gonna get a distinction!

The Beths have come all the way from Auckland and I’m mighty glad they did. Catchy tunes full of riffs and jangly guitars. Got their ‘Warm Blood’ cassette (cassettes are ‘in’ – Sledge got Fresh’s ‘First Two EPs’ one). Another great night at Wharf Chambers, being served beer by one the guitarist of Cowtown to boot!

And whilst waiting at the bar, this guy noticed my Commoners Choir badge and asked if I knew them – Indeed I do – “Do you think they would sing at my boat?” – Turns out Ben has built his own narrow boat out of junk, put a piano on it and is pulling it along as a kind of art project/way of life (article about him here) – He’s staying in Leeds for a bit as he likes it so much – and with nights like tonight, who could argue. Hopefully the Commoners can get down to the canal sometime soon…

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One Response to The Beths, Fresh, Danny & Beth, Tom Lee – Wharf Chambers – 21/05/18

  1. Pingback: Klammer, Nervous Twitch, Spess – Brudenell Social Club (and Cowtown at Wharf Chambers) – 18/8/18 | QUIMS

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