Martin Stephenson – Helen and Enda’s Kitchen – 27th March 2018

What do you get someone for their 50th birthday? A fine dining experience? Socks? Cosmetic surgery? Helen hit on the idea of getting Enda a night at home to remember in the form of a house concert by Martin Stephenson….and what a great night it was!

He did the tracks from his ‘Gladsome Humour & Blue’ LP in order, with stories (so many stories) before, during and after each song in a kind of stream of consciousness….I had no idea that ‘Slaughterman’ was about a football critic from the ‘Saint & Greavsie’ show….& he talked us through the evolution of his guitar playing style and even the history of the guitar.

There was a break after ‘side 1’ with gorgeous fish pie and veggie lasagne before starting ‘side 2’ with the wonderful ‘Wholly Humble Heart’. He did some great finger picking tunes at the end before giving the floor over to Saoirse who did a lovely piece of classical guitar. A great night for a great guy – nice one Nels xxx

Bob the Chiropodist

…..and the wonderful artwork in the background looks like this close up

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