Euros Childs + Ed Dowie – Wharf Chambers, Leeds – 28th Nov 2017

I’ve been meaning to catch Euros Childs for ages now and kept on missing him for various reasons…..anyway, tonight I managed to remedy that and was mighty glad I did.

Support tonight was from Ed Dowie who’s amusing if droll banter gave no hint of the synth-drenched mega reverb ridden vocal overload we were in for…..this guy is a genuine one off!

Euros was ably supported by Rose (drums, keyboards,guitar, vocals) as he worked his magic on keyboards providing a pumping bass to a bunch of new songs that were funny and punchy. ‘Happy Coma’ was great but my favourite was the story of ‘Crystal and Misty’ and their all-you-can-eat adventure…..There was even a rendition of the ‘Auf Wiedersehen Pet‘ theme tune written by Joe Fagin…. “Is he still with us?” to which some wag shouts “He’s LIVIN” ALRIGHT!”

Looking forward to getting to know the new CD

Bob the Chiropodist

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