LCD Soundsystem – Alexandra Palace, London – 23rd September 2017

As you will no doubt know, whenever we go to a conference, Boy-Lee and I like to try and fit in a gig. This time round the course was Foot Mobilisation Techniques with Enthused Aussie Ted Jedynak and the gig was with the Mighty LCD Soundsystem. The last time I was at Alexandra Palace was to see the Stone Roses in 1989 – a gig so bad, that when the NME said it was ‘a triumph’ I decided not to buy it again (and after the awful Spike Island Roses gig the year after, I vowed never to see them again).

The sound quality at Ally Pally was fantastic – as were the visuals. It fits 10,000 people in and this was there 2nd night there…..they’ve disbanded and got back together (apparently on the advice of David Bowie) since I first saw them and have a new LP out. What I love about them is what I loved about New Order – Guitar and bass led tunes side by side with out and out electronic dance tunes – there was a deep bass boom that shook your chest – loved it! Most of my favourite LP ‘Sound of Silver’ was played with ‘All my friends‘ ending the evening on a real high – being in the middle of 10,000 people jumpng up and down with arms in the air was just fantastic. I hope they can keep coming back every now and again and pull off this kind of thing til they’re old and grey…..

Before the gig we’d been moaning about how much more money per head is spent on public transport in London compared to Yorkshire….but when the free bus service was outside to take us to the tube….we didn’t complain then…….much…

Bob the Chiropodist



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