GoldSounds 2017 – Brudenell Social Club – 20th May 2017

A wonderful all-dayer at everyones favourite venue – 14 bands for £15 – what’s not to like. Met some new friend, found a new favourite band: The Blinders, who stole the show early on and things got a bit messy in the moshpit by the time Cabbage stormed the stage….the whole day was a joy!

The Boxing



They had none of our usual brew ‘Double Chocolate Stout’ so we started on this…..

The Blinders

The Blinders from Donny, for me, were the band of the day – they were only on so early because they were headlining at the Great Escape festival in Brighton later that night. I had a quick chat with the lead singer before he got in the van for the journey as it was photographer Paul Husband who’d tipped me off to them (more about him later…) – lovely lads – go see them!

Swimming Girls


Narcs were the only band on the bill besides cabbage that I’d seen before. The lead singer (in white T-Shirt) came into the crowd as if keeping an eye on his bandmates who were wildly rocking out….

Around this time we needed a break so ordered Pies and I posted this up on facebook.Paul Husband soon got back to me with….

… I did the old “Hiya Lauren! – you don’t remember me do you!”  “Errrm…do I know you..?” Turns out she’s called Mandy (or was it Wendy?) and an Uber-Cabbage fan – goes all over – even to Europe watching them. Nice to have a chat

And then we got chatting to the couple behind who missed out on the pies as they’d all sold out…..



Gothic Tropic


The Coathangers were very entertaining – loud punky, swapping instruments – great fun! Got chatting to gig photographer Mark Wheelwright who loved them so much he got a signed multicoloured vinyl copy of their LP – he wasn’t working – just there for the music….



Shame went down a treat with the crowd – very energetic!

Dune Rats

Got talking to this guy with a Dune Rats T-shirt on just before their set and he couldn’t wait for them….I’ll be surfing before you know….and he was….before they broke into their 2nd chord!


The night came to a close with Cabbage who had a lively moshpit jumping for joy – I lost my glasses in there for the first time in years! Everyone helped out and found them unharmed…….then slept on them at the night and broke ’em………Crazy man crazy!

Bumped into the lovely Mark on the way out, who wrote up the last all-dayer we went to, but  hadn’t been to the gig – was hanging out for a drink…….lovely bands, lovely venue, lovely people, lovely day. God Bless Nathan and the crew xxx

Bob the Chiropodist



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One Response to GoldSounds 2017 – Brudenell Social Club – 20th May 2017

  1. Pingback: The Blinders, Calva Louise – Brudenell Social Club – 28/10/18 | QUIMS

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