Wreckless Eric – The Library, Leeds – 7th May 2017

Apparently, Wreckless Eric gets a bit nervous when he plays Leeds for historical reasons (as told to Marc Riley on his 6Music show). On tonight evidence, he has no reason to at all – everyone loved his banter, his sonic guitar and musical box combo and his songs…old and new.

He started off by beckoning the crowd to come closer and as they shuffled forward he said “Fuckin’ ‘ell it looks like the Walking Dead” which had Sledge and I belly laughing and set the tone for the evening.  3 songs in…..”I’m gonna do an old one now – one I still quite like – so those of a certain age with prostrate problems can get off early” before a great version of ‘Reconnez Cherie‘. He goes off on wild musical tangents with ferocious strumming and it was no surprise that a string broke on his acoustic – he then proceeded to fix it (“I used to be able to this whilst still playing”) telling us a story of how he met Woody Woodmansey, one of his heroes…”and I got that fan thing where you become a twat and don’t know what to say so I says to him ‘You used to live in Woodmansey didn’t you’ and thought what the fuck did I say that for…” 10 minutes later the string is fixed and tuned up and “well for this next one I need my electric guitar” and he swaps them over.
Brilliant night – go and see him if you get the chance – highly recommended

Bob the Chiropodist

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One Response to Wreckless Eric – The Library, Leeds – 7th May 2017

  1. Stephen Towler says:

    I’d have loved to have seen this show but I already had a ticket for Andrew Combs at the Brudenel that night. I’ve seen Eric a number of times, including my first ever show at The Brudenel, and he never fails to entertain.

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