Cabbage, The Shimmer Band, April – Brudenell Social Club – 23/2/16

A night of glorious riotous youth – not giving a monkeys about what people think – turn it up load, jump in the crowd and crank the fun up to 11 – I’d love to be on their tour bus…..

April have swagger and a great shambling sound that’s held together by a great frontman – not afraid to rock out, giving the crowd license to do the same – a fab start to the night.

The Shimmer Band sounded a bit more polished but no less exciting – cocky, loud and a joy to watch – haircuts that say – we don’t want proper jobs…..

Cabbage are a riot in every sense of the word. Rocking tunes, 2 frontmen, one of whom was in the audience more than he was on stage – dangerous and funny with songs about Dinner Ladies and being ‘Born in the NHS’. Their T-Shirt ‘Young, dumb and full of cabbage’ kind of says it all….The last song saw the guitarist and bassist crowd surfing too…

The only thing that annoyed me about the night was the photographers. I take one or 2 during a gig, don’t use a flash and am as quick as I can with it. I know that some of them are probably trying to make a living but tonight there were hoards of the buggars! I’ve no problem with them hogging the front for a song or two – but to be so ‘in your face’ like they were tonight, as if they own the joint, for the WHOLE gig – shoving a camera infront of your face then checking if the shot came out – just pissed me off. I’m sure Paul Husband would never do that…

Bob the Chiropodist

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