Meilyr Jones – Brudenell – 3/10/16


Meilyr Jones is fabulous live. He lays himself bare, gives it his all and has the best backing band in Britain – all multi-intrumentalists and by the end of the night I think everyone had had a go at everything.


I first saw him fronting Racehorses and then earlier this year at Glastonbury. You never quite know which way his tunes are going to go…..sensitive dueling violins can bring you to tears or maybe morph into a heavy metal jam, all with his distinctive Welsh lilt. Singing off mike, he reminded me of Jonathan Richman – funny, energetic and his smile lights up the room.


The highlight was the encore when they tuned off all the amps and came into the audience. The combination of 2 violins, trumpet and sax with Meilyr gently singing over the top was stunningly good.


Looking forward to playing the LP to death!

Bob the Chiropodist


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