King Khan & the Shrines, Wub – Brudenell Social Club – 18th April 2014


Sledge and Chris joined me for a brilliant night at the Brudenell with the latest hardest working band in showbiz – King Khan and the Shrines – they have it all….an absolute Joy….


Playing Scrabble with my mate Spud one time he used up his last letters with the word ‘Wob’ – “That’s not a word!” “Yes it is – it’s the stuff that gets stuck between your glasses frame and your glasses”. This story came to mind watching ‘Wub’ who opened tonights show with a great set of rocking tunes. If I could play bass – I’d play it like that – awesome! Had a chat with lead singer/guitarist Alex after the show (what a nice guy) and this was only their 3rd ever show – more power to their arm!


I got tickets for King Khan after seeing a poster of him dressed in a home made superhero outfit, with a mask and cape, holding a staff with a skull on….. ‘he must be worth a punt’ I thought…..and indeed he was!


I saw James Brown at Wembly in the late 80’s and tonights show had echoes of that – the showmanship, the crowd engagement, the exuberance – but the funk was replaced with rock’n’roll and the snazzy shuffling feet with a big belly. Wearing a feather head dress and spangly leopard print top, KK was on a mission to get us dancing.


The band would jump of stage and wander through the crowd and we all got to kneel down before the King, before leaping to our feet and screaming the roof off.


His change of outfit for the encore was hillarious and perfectly finished off a rocking set. Go and see them if you get the chance…….true Royalty!


Long live the King!!


Bob the Chiropodist

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