The Wave Pictures + Finnmark! – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds 29th January 2014

Wave Pictures2014

It’s only been 4 months since the Wave Pictures last wandered into town but it’s always a pleasure to see them back. I bought their beautiful new LP ‘City Forgiveness’ (on lovely white vinyl) and popped out to put it in the car. When I came back in, Jonny Strangeways on the door said “Has that come out since they last played here?” “Yeah” “They produce so much stuff! I first booked them about 10 years ago when they were a Jonathan Richman covers band – they even had 4 CD’s out back then!”. They played a good chunk of the new LP tonight and I think, if it’s possible, that they’re getting better and better!


Leeds own Finnmark! played an enjoyable set of C86 inspired indie pop that got the crowd going – their home made 6 Track EP comes with some lovely artwork too – only £3 – go on, give it a go!


Things I noticed about The Wave Pictures this time – 1) David Tattersall had a different guitar from 4 months ago and not an effects pedal in sight. I always imagine amazing guitarists have their own special guitar that they’ve nurtured since they were teenagers but I guess when you’re as good as he is, you can play anything. 2) Franic Rozycki had an ‘Allo Darlin’ T-shirt on who they toured the States with……’Like Smoke‘ has officially replaced ‘Tallulah’ as my ‘on repeat obsession’. 3) Jonny ‘Huddersfield’ Helm can sing other songs apart from the Johnny Cash one, whilst wildly drumming at the same time.


Jez came along for the first time as a birthday present, it was Sledges first time too. Martin, BoyLee and I were on repeat viewing and we all will be again. Always a pleasure, never known to let you down – The Wave Pictures!

Bob the Chiropodist


wave Pictures on my wall

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