Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, The Yugoslavian Boys + Nervous Twitch – Brudenell Social Club 20th March 2013


It’s a sad day when a loved and trusted colleague moves on to better things but the pill can be sweetened with a good leaving do (or 2). Tonight was originally going to be a meal out for the Haemophilia clinic gang, then we found out that Kid Congo was coming to town on that night so the plan was a meal and a gig – what could possibly go wrong…….?

Well….we ended up having a no frills burger in a BYO place with an open mike – listening to Oasis covers, drinking Newcastle Brown Ale – not exactly Michelin Star but one to remember! We got to the Brudenell for 9……only to be told “Keep hold of your tickets, we may have to re-fund you”…….the band were flying in from the South by south west festival and the plane was delayed……Ah well….at least there’s 2 supports to enjoy.


First up was ‘Nervous Twitch’ who were fronted by a lass who bore an uncanny similarity to another colleague of ours which caused much hilarity. I love it when the singer gets of stage and demands the audience to join in – great stuff Support2

The Yugoslavian Boys came on to Gary Glitter and started with a song that seemed to joke about paedophilia……Ironic? Funny? We went out for a chat but were driven back in by the bitter cold and they weren’t too bad by the end of their set. I’d leave the comedy to others though….


I’m very glad to say that Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, after a titanic effort, did turn up. They set up in next to no time and ripped into an awesome set of new songs. Every one a winner. The guy is just so likeable….cheeky and cartoonish with his eyes magnified by his glasses…..and the band, who you’d think would be pissed off with all the hassle of traveling, were obviously having a ball.



Bob the Chiropodist

BoyLee1 boylee2

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One Response to Kid Congo and the Pink Monkey Birds, The Yugoslavian Boys + Nervous Twitch – Brudenell Social Club 20th March 2013

  1. Pingback: The Ramonas + Nervous Twitch, Brudenell Social Club – 25/2/16 | QUIMS

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