Being 747 Present: Clockwork Universe + Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers – Upstairs @ The Library, Leeds – 30/1/13

Being 747

A  fantastic double header tonight featuring two of Leeds most intriguing bands. Educational and entertaining – Very entertaining in fact. I like it upstairs at the Library pub – just wish they had some decent ale up there……

Biscuithead and the biscuit badgers

First up were those painted faced funsters ‘Biscuithead and the Biscuit Badgers‘ who I last saw woo-ing a massive crowd at WOMAD last year. There’s more than a hint of the Bonzo’s in the sureal songs they pedal. Had the crowd in stitches with songs about Cheese, David Attenborough, all things Beige, Amino acids and The Land Hermit Crab….for which there were claw props….


They’re all accomplished musicians (the teapot solo got a reprive by popular demand) doing a 20’s charlston/ragtime feel. If you ever need cheering up – these are the boys for you!

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I never got to see Being 747 present: Amoeba to Zebra (a natural history musical in the making) so I was anxious not to miss their musical take on the history of science from the ancient Greeks to the 20th Century Clockwork Universe (with costume changes). Seems a chunk of the audience worked in some science capacity or other at the Uni… bad thing…

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This highly entertaining romp through the history of science was a work of genius! The visuals and live band worked seemlessly together….available for shows in your kids school – you should book them NOW!

Bob the Chiropodist

and the next number is.....

and the next number is…..

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