The Rezillos + The Kingcrows – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds 16/6/12

Sledge and I had been looking forward to seeing the Rezillos for such a long time (“Oh I just can’t wait”) and they didn’t disappoint. A set full of top tunes with the energy of teenagers – they had us all in dancing around in a good mood and a fab time was had by all.

Bumped into Damien who hadn’t seen them before either…..but had seen the Revillos so won in the one-up-manship stakes…..But it wasn’t just a bunch of 40-somethings reliving their youth…….Met young Will and his fiancé at the front who I think moved when the moshing got a bit raucous (for which Sledge and I were partially to blame).

Support came from Punk band Kingcrows who dressed the part but didn’t really do it for me – I popped into the other room to watch joint hosts Poland getting knocked out of Euros 2012 and missed the poet who was also on.

You could feasibly accuse The Rezillos of being a comedy band with tunes like ‘Destination Venus’, ‘Flying Saucer Attack’, ‘I love my baby cos she does good sculptures yeah’ and certainly everyone was grinning whilst dancing along but they obviously believe in what they do and they do it very well. We got a bit giddy at the front and enthusiastically joined in the party.

After the gig I was at the bar and Faye Fife pushed past me and started snogging the guy next to me “That wasn’t advertised on the ticket!”. We got talking to a bloke at the bar who’d come up from Birmingham for the gig. We couldn’t let him go back to his hotel without taking him to the Royal Park for a beer or 2 so we ended up chatting away to the early hours……and thanks to Jo for my Favourite Rezillos’s related fact: Feargal Sharkey’s “Loving You” was co-written by original Rezillo Jo Callis, so he quite literally “got The Human League in to advise (him)”

what a great night!

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3 Responses to The Rezillos + The Kingcrows – Brudenell Social Club, Leeds 16/6/12

  1. RATBAG says:

    Sorry we didn’t do it for you, Bob. Suppose you can’t please everybody, and most of the room seemed to be into it, so we had a good time anyway. The Rezillos were fantastic, I love that band. Cheers!
    RATBAG (drums, The Kingcrows)

    • Hi Ratbag – Horses for courses and yes you went down well so sorry for sounding so negative…’s just that the lure of international football was stronger for me…… great drumming though and loved the hat!

  2. RATBAG says:

    😀 Thanks bud. Me and that hat have been through a lot together…!

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