Fujiya & Miyagi, 39 Steps, DLPX: The Faversham, Leeds 9th April 2009

Krautrock comes to Leeds (via Brighton) in the shape of Fujiya & Miyagi. Id only heard one track by them Ankle Sprains on a Mojo Compilation but that was enough to get me to the gig. Driving beats with fantastic bass lines.


They mention their name a lot and types of ice cream but other than that – I’ve no idea what they were singing about……but and with songs about the ghost of Lena Zavaroni, its probably just as well. Ankle Sprains turns out to be the lead track on their 2007 LP Transparent Things great stuff – Go and buy it!

Nice crowd too – Met Si and Jo and Malcolm, some old Leeds gig scene-sters who were planning to go to every festival in the UK this summer – lucky buggars – agreed to meet stage left at the animal collective at Glastonbury……or was it stage right…..
Support came in the shape of 2 DJ sets that were basically boys noodling on their macs you may have noticed Im a big fan of macs but this wasnt my cup of tea. Technology that does what you want it to do is fine by me, but this just seemed to be technology lead weve got a fuzzbox and were gonna use it syndrome.

fujiya fujiya

That week-end I was listening to Brian Matthews sounds of the 60s when I heard a Fujiya bass line turn up the radio and it turns out to be The Equals with Viva Bobby Joe. He then went on to play a Cliff and the Shadows tune Id never heard before but liked (Dont talk to him from 63) and a track by the Cinderellas that could have been from the She and Him album. He then played a brace of Tony Hatch tunes that got me thinking whats the difference between that and Joe Meek? Why is Meek SO loved and Hatch not Probably because he died youngalways a winner in showbiz


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