Echo and the Bunnymen, Alabama 3, Natty, The King Blues: Myrtle Park, Bingley 31st August 2008

Mike came over from Manchester and we trundled over to Bingley with Lee and the kids for the free day of the Bingley Music Festival. There was lots of mud around which made it feel like a real festival. We got there in the rain in time to enjoy The King Blues who had a great ska sound with an anti-BNP stance (plus swearing).

In the break before Natty we popped up to the fair rides to giggle at drunk teens going green whilst being thrown around. Natty tried their hardest to bring a little sunshine with them and gave a good account of himself/themselves.

kids and natty

Id previously seen the Alabama 3 at Glastonbury in 2002 when they were early on the bill and didnt really take off, but tonight they were fabulous. Sir Eddie Real came on first and drummed on a wooden box along to a loud, heavy electro beat and eventually there were 9 bodies on stage rocking it out in style. Rev D. Wayne and Larry Love commanded the stage and got the crowd going. Devlin Love, their female singer was slight in build but had a massive voice. Woke up this morning, Hello.Im Johnny Cash, Monday dont mean anything to me, You dont dance to techno anymore.everyone a winner.


Lee took the kids home then Which band did you like the best Matty? The last ones, they were cool!

The last time Mike and I saw The Bunnymen together was 23 years ago at Glasto and they were just as good tonight. They started with Rescue, they went on to do Villiers Terrace, The Killing Moon, Bring on the Dancing Horses, Seven Seas, The Cutter and the couple of new ones they did were excellent too! My personal fave was a blistering version of The Back of Love. The band were really tight with a big coated, shades wearing Macca in good voice – he did his thing of singing cover versions in the middle of their songs, including a version of Walk on the Wild Side singing Hey Babe, Take a walk on the Merseyside. An Encore of Lips like sugar sent us home very happy indeed what a great day out!
bunnymen bingley


2008 and 1985… the difference….

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