The Kaiser chiefs-with Marisa and Charlotte


Yesterday we went to ellend road stadium to our first gig, with my dad A.K.A. bob. We got on the shuttle bus and we could have sworn that several people were already drunk!!! When we arrived at around 4, there were at least 5000 people already there. We came just as the first band started playing, they were called the Friendly Fires. There were brilliant but extremely loud. So we asked a security lady near us (we were sitting in the right-bottom-left corner and had a great view) if we could have some earplugs & when she handed them to us we put them in straight away! We could still hear the band but it was more like on a loud stereo than booming at us with its massive speakers so we went up really close!
marisa gig

As the second band came on we went out to get some chips. The queue was very long and we waited for about 20 minutes till we actually got served! In front of us there were these lovebirds, it was GROSS!!! Finally we got our chips and went back to find dad with a friend -jay- chatting away! We waited with dad there for a bit meeting another two of his friends, Jill and Micelle.

jill, michelle, jay, bob

By this time the team were getting ready to put Kate Nash on so us two went down too get good spots to see her. After ten minutes of waiting we realised that we had forgot the camera so we were rushing and that was when I, Marisa fell over OUCH!!! But I suppose I was to exited to really gather the pain. Anyway we got the camera and walked, yet again, to the stage. There was now about ten to twenty thousand in there. And Kate Nash gave her songs out, we took many pictures and this very kind woman took one for us too!!! Both of us thought Kate Nash was ace, unlike bob

kate nash

after a while of watching her we went on another buying look-around it was then when we found a little sweet stall at the side. We also found that it did pick and mix! Bet you cant guess what happens next!!!!!! So, we got back and we listened to Kate Nashs last song, foundations then we moved forward for the enemy and it has to be said they were FABULOUS everyone was cheering them on and shouting out the lyrics, the whole 30000 people must have made a racket!!!


The atmosphere was brilliant, but it kinda spoiled it when people started chucking plastic cups of beer everywhere! Eww! After Kates last song foundations the enemy started playing at that point the atmosphere was brill everyone shouting out the chorus especially on we live and die in these towns and away from here. After the enemy everyone near us was convinced that it was the Kaisers next but NO it was mark ronson djing. The best song he played was Chelsea dagger but we quite enjoyed Valerie.

mark ronson

As he was playing we noticed a big sign saying KAISER CHIEFS on the stage (mark ronson was at the side) so after he finished his last song the sign was pulled down and the Kaiser chiefs started with everything is average nowadays we were near the tech box in the middle so we sat on the rail to see or my dad would lift us up.


We went back to a easy to see the stage spot just as ruby started. The atmosphere wasent as good there but at least we could see them with not much effort they played some new tracks that were quite good. Our favourite track was angry mob because everyone was singing along to it! Modern way stuck out as well also because of everyone cheering them on.


At one point the camera changed the screen to these people dancing and only after a minute did they notice they were on screen. As soon as they started noticing and waving at the camera the camera crew switched it back to the Kaiser chefs during the next song they switched it back to the group of people. They noticed a lot more quicker but it was still funny to watch. We left when the Kaisers were starting the chorus of oh my god my dads friends offered us a lift to where our parked car was but there was a new bus coming in so we decided to take the bus back to our parking spot. It was lucky we did too because by the time we were home they were still in the car park trying to get out!!! We were shattered at that point so it was beans on toast and straight to bed!!! Lucky again that we did the sheets and the duvets before hand!!!
Overall we are really happy that this was our first gig as it was a great one!!!

Marisa & Charlotte

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One Response to The Kaiser chiefs-with Marisa and Charlotte

  1. Pingback: Kaiser Chiefs, All The Young – The Engine Shed, Lincoln 8th Feb 2012 | QUIMS

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