So What Do 10 Year Olds Want To Listen To? (Feb 07)

I remember many years ago when my niece Hannah was about 10, she phoned me to tell me shed spent her pocket money on the new Cardigans LP I was always making tapes for my brother Ste in those days and so the kids got to listen to some eclectic stuff on those long car journeys..Dislocation Dance followed by Frank Sidebottom followed by Bill Nelson.. The Cardigans Sick and tired was on one tape and shed gone out to buy the CD. I told my other brother Dave that I was quite proud of myself for this Proud of yourself! Id be proud if Id influenced a kid to play the piano or read Shakespeare but to buy pop music!

My daughter Marisa is now 10 (soon to be 11) and has become the lucky receiver of my old faithful iMac DV desktop computer. I darent hook her up to the net but she does use it to write stories on and listen to music. Make me a list of what you want on it I say and from the top of her head the list (below on the left) comes in Kaiser Chiefs, Dido, Pink, Killers, Lily Allen, Snow Patrol, Bic Runga, Cardigans and the Smiths. We then go on a car journey and I give her the iPod Have a listen on shuffle and see if theres anything there you want and the list on the right gets written.. Stone Roses, White Stripes, Gorillaz, Young Marble Giants, Happy Mondays.. Im glad to say that Im so proud!


marisa music list

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