Publications 2000-2005
Duncan Mara

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Complete list 2000-2005 (not all available as pdf files)

D. D. Mara (2000).  The production of microbiologically safe effluents for wastewater reuse in the Middle East and North Africa.  Water, Air and Soil Pollution 123 (1/4), 595-603.

U. J. Blumenthal, D. D. Mara, A. Peasey, G. Ruiz-Palacios and R. Stott (2000).  Guidelines for the microbiological quality of treated wastewater used in agriculture: recommendations for revising the WHO guidelines.  Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78 (9), 1104-1116.

K. P. Tsagarakis, D. D. Mara, N.J. Horan and A. N. Anglelakis (2000).  Small municipal wastewater treatment plants in Greece.  Water Science and Technology 41 (1), 41-48.

G. B. Athayde, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (2000).  Faecal coliform die-off in wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 139-147.

F. J. A. da Silva, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (2000).  Informal fish culture in the Maracanaú waste stabilization ponds in Fortaleza, Brazil. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 393-398.

M. R. Peña, D. D. Mara and A. Sanchez (2000).  Dispersion studies in anaerobic ponds: implications for design and operation. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 273-282.

C. X. Calero, D. D. Mara and M. R. Peña (2000).  Anoxic ponds in the sugar cane industry: a case study from Colombia. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 67-74.

M. R. Peña, J. Rodrigues, D. D. Mara and M. Spulveda (2000).  UASBs or anaerobic ponds in warm climates?  A preliminary answer from Colombia. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 59-65.

A. L. C. Araújo, R. de Oliveira, D. D. Mara, H. W. Pearson and S. A. Silva (2000).  Sulphur and phosphorus transformations in wastewater storage and treatment reservoirs in northeast Brazil. Water Science and Technology 42 (10/11), 203-210.

C. B. Beggs, K. G. Kerr, J. K. Donnelly, P.A. Sleigh, D. D. Mara amd G. Cairns (2000).  An engineering approach to the control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other airborne pathogens: a UK hospital-based pilot study.  Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 94 (2), 141-146.

C. B. Beggs, J. K. Donnelly, K. G. Kerr, P. A. Sleigh, D .D. Mara and G. Cairns (2000). The use of engineering controls to disinfect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and airborne pathogens in hospital buildings. Indoor and Built Environment 9, 17−27.

R. Burrows, K. H. M. Ali, R. G. Tickell, T. S. Hedges, H. W. Pearson and D. D. Mara (2001).  Marine-based waste stabilization ponds: an evaluation of the hydraulic viability.  Water Science and Technology 43 (11), 283-290.

D. D. Mara and R. G. A. Feachem (2001).  Taps and toilets for all – two decades already, now a quarter century more.  Water21, August, pp. 13-14.

D. D. Mara (2001).  Health and sanitation in the developing world.  Paper presented at the World Toilet Summit, Singapore, 19-21 November.

U. J. Blumenthal, D. D.Mara, A. Peasey, G. Ruiz-Palacio and R. Stott (2001).  Reducing the health risks of using wastewater in agriculture.  Urban Agriculture 1 (3), 26-29.

K. P. Tsagarakis, D. D. Mara, N. J. Horan and A. N. Angelakis (2001). Institutional status and structure of wastewater quality management in Greece.  Water Policy 3, 81-99.

K. P. Tsagarakis, D. D. Mara and A. N. Angelakis (2001). . Water Science and Technology 44 (6), 163-172.

D. D. Mara (2001). Appropriate wastewater collection, treatment and re-use in developing countries. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Municipal Engineer 145 (4), 299−303.

M. R. Peña, C. A. Madera and D. D. Mara (2002). Feasibility of waste stabilization pond technology for small municipalities in Colombia.  Water Science and Technology 45 (1), 1-8.

C. A. Madera, M. R. Peña and D. D. Mara (2002). Microbiological quality of a waste stabilization pond effluent used for restricted irrigation in Valle del Cauca, Colombia.  Water Science and Technology 45 (1), 139-143.

D. D. Mara, K. Abis and M. Johnson (2002).  Waste stabilization ponds for small sewered communities in the United Kingdom.  Water and Environment Manager, May, 22−23.

D. D. Mara and N. J. Horan (2002).  Sludge to land: microbiological double standards.  Journal of the Institution of Water and Environmental Management 16 (4), 249–252.

D. D. Mara (2003).  Free on-line access for poor countries to IWA journals?  Water21, August, p. 14.
IWA announced in December 2008 that there will be Free access in DCs to all IWA journals.

K. P. Tsagarakis, D. D. Mara and A. N. Angelakis (2003).  Application of cost criteria for selection of municipal wastewater treatment systems.  Water, Air and Soil Pollution 148 (1−4), 187−210.

K. Abis and D. D. Mara (2003). Research on waste stabilization ponds in the United Kingdom − Initial results from pilot-scale facultative ponds. Water Science and Technology 48 (2), 1−8.

H. Archer and D. D. Mara (2003). Waste stabilization pond developments in New Zealand.  Water Science and Technology 48 (2), 9−15.

R. Stott, E. May and D. D. Mara (2003). Parasite removal by natural wastewater treatment systems: performance of waste stabilization ponds and constructed wetlands. Water Science and Technology 48 (2), 97−104.

M. R. Peña, D. D. Mara and J. M. Piguet (2003). Improvement of mixing patterns in pilot anaerobic ponds treating domestic wastewater.  Water Science and Technology 48 (2), 235−242.

G. P. Vega, M. R. Peña, C. Ramirez and D. D. Mara (2003).  Application of CFD modelling to the study of the hydrodynamics of various anaerobic pond configurations. Water Science and Technology 48 (2), 163−171.

D. D. Mara (2003). Water, sanitation and hygiene for the health of developing nations. Public Health 117 (6), 452–456.

G. E. Alexiou and D. D. Mara (2003). Anaerobic waste stabilization ponds: a low-cost contribution to a sustainable wastewater reuse cycle. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 109 (1−3), 241−252.

D. D. Mara (2003).  The sanitation 'wheel' must not be reinvented!  Water21, December, p. 11.

D. D. Mara and P. A. Sleigh (2003).  Wastewater reuse: what are the likely health risks in Europe?  Paper presented at the Conference on Wastewater Treatment in Constructed Wetlands, Ponds and Related Systems, University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 6−7 November [PowerPoint presentation in pdf format].

D. D. Mara (2003).  Faecal indicator organisms.  In The Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology (ed. D. D. Mara and N. J. Horan), pp. 105−112.  London: Academic Press. [Misprint on page 1: the author is DDM, not NJH!]

D. D. Mara and R. G. A. Feachem (2003).  Unitary environmental classification of water- and excreta-related communicable diseases.  In The Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology (ed. D. D. Mara and N. J. Horan), pp. 185−192.  London: Academic Press.

D. D. Mara (2003). Low-cost treatment processes.  In The Handbook of Water and Wastewater Microbiology (ed. D. D. Mara and N. J. Horan), pp. 441−448.  London: Academic Press.

K. L. Abis and D. D. Mara (2004).  The performance of pilot-scale primary facultative waste stabilization ponds in the UK Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 18 (2), 107−111.

D. D. Mara (2004). Simplified sewerage: a mature and essential sanitation technology. In International Water Association Yearbook 2004, pp. 55−58.  IWA, London.

R. M. Carr, U. J. Blumenthal and D. D. Mara (2004).  Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater in agriculture: revisiting the WHO guidelines. Water Science and Technology 50 (2) 31−38.

R. M. Carr, U. J. Blumenthal and D. D. Mara (2004).  Health guidelines for the use of wastewater in agriculture: developing realistic guidelines. In Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture: Confronting the Livelihood and Environmental Realities (ed. C. A. Scott, N. I. Faruqui and L. Raschid-Sally), pp.41-58. Wallingford: CABI Publishing.

D. D. Mara (2004).  To plant or not to plant? Questions on the role of plants in constructed wetlands. Paper presented at the joint session of the Ninth IWA International Conference on Constructed Wetlands and the Sixth IWA International Conference on Waste Stabilization Ponds, Avignon, France, 30 September.

M. R. Peña Varón and D. D. Mara (2004).  Waste Stabilization Ponds − Thematic Overview Paper.  IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre, Delft.

D. D. Mara (2004). Natural sewage treatment in the United Kingdom: selection guidelines. Journal of the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management 18 (4), 230−234.

D. D. Mara (2005).  Ecological sanitation: an unaffordable option?  Water21, April, p. 29.

D. D. Mara (2005).  Ecological sanitation: reply.  Water21, June, p. 16.

D. D. Mara (2005). Rational water tariffs for poor and non-poor consumers in developing countries. Paper presented at the IWA International Specialist Conference on Water Economics, Statistics and Finance, Rethymo, Crete, 8−10 July.

K. Abis and D. D. Mara (2005).  Research on waste stabilization ponds in the United Kingdom: sludge accumulation in pilot-scale facultative ponds. Environmental Technology 26 (4), 449−457.

C. Banda, P. A. Sleigh and D. D. Mara (2005).  Escherichia coli removal in waste stabilization ponds: a comparison of modern and classical designs.  Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 75−81.

K. L. Abis and D. D. Mara (2005).  Primary facultative ponds in the UK: the effect of hydraulic retention time and BOD loading on performance and algal populations.  Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 61−67.

M. L. Johnson and D. D. Mara (2005).  Aerated rock filters for enhanced nitrogen and faecal coliform removal from facultative waste stabilization pond effluents.  Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 99−102.

A. N. Shilton and D. D. Mara (2005).  CFD modelling of baffles for optimizing tropical waste stabilization pond systems.  Water Science and Technology 51 (12), 103−106.

D. D. Mara (2005).  A New Paradigm for Water Supply and Sanitation in Cities, Towns and Large Villages in Developing Countries.  Supplementary Background Paper for the 2nd UN-Habitat Global Report on Water and Sanitation.

D. D. Mara (2005).  Sanitation for all in periurban areas? Only if we use simplified sewerage. Water Science and Technology − Water Supply 5 (6), 57−65.

D. D. Mara (2005).  How to keep costs down and achieve the Millennium Development Goals for water and sanitation.  Water21, December, pp. 12−13.

D. D. Mara, and M. L. Johnson (2005).  Facultative waste stabilization ponds and aerated rock filters: the solution for small communities in the UK?  In Proceedings of the Third CIWEM National Conference (ed. N. J. Horan), pp. 469−472.  Leeds: Aqua Enviro.

M. A. Camargo Valero and D. D. Mara (2005).  Sedimentation of organic nitrogen via biological uptake in maturation ponds.  Paper presented at the International Seminar Agua 2005: Gestión Integrada de Servicios Relacionadas con el Agua en Asentamientos Nucleados, Cali, Colombia, 2−4 November.

D. D. Mara (2005).  Local action in periurban slums for health and human dignity.  Paper presented at the International Conference Agua 2005: De la Acción Local a las Metas Globales, Cali, Colombia, 31 October − 1 November.

D. D. Mara (2005).  No time to waste: implications for achieving the Millennium Development Goal for sanitation.  Paper presented at the International Seminar Agua 2005: Programas de Agua, Saneamiento y Higiene: Enfretando los Desafios del Milenio, Cali, Colombia, 2−4 November.