University of Leeds/Civil Eng. masthead

Professor Duncan Mara


Site Index A-Z

         In pdf format

Duncan Mara's 
Sanitation blog

Microsoft Producer presentations
Short video/audio-PowerPoint lectures on Water, Sanitation & Health and Low-cost Wastewater Treatment
& Reuse, with transcripts and supporting material

       'Look to the past for guidance into the future'

        A personal selection

World Toilet Day – 19 November every year

Global Handwashing Day – 15 October every year

 World Water Day − 22 March every year

Water and Religion

Water wars (or at least water conflicts)

Climate change (effects on infectious disease transmission and water resources)

Urbanization (but it's really 'Periurbanization')

Journals with free online access in developing countries   (+ links to free online e-books)

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