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Climate Change & Agriculture


Water at a Glance: The relationship between water, agriculture, food security and poverty (FAO, undated)

Agriculture uses most of the world's freshwater (and not all that efficiently):

Global water use  Globally  
Water use by region  By region

Sustainable Management of Water Resources in Agriculture (OECD, 2010) – “Agriculture is the major user of water in most countries. It also faces the enormous challenge of producing almost 50% more food by 2030 and doubling production by 2050. This will likely need to be achieved with less water, mainly because of growing pressures from urbanisation, industrialisation and climate change.”

Book: Water and Food to 2025: Dealing with Water Scarcity (IFPRI, 2002) 

FAO and Climate Change (FAO webpage)

FAO Publications on Climate Change (webpage)

Video: Adapting to climate change in Bangladesh (FAO, 2008)

Climate Change: Impact on Agriculture and Costs of Adaptation (International Food Policy Research Institute, 2009)

Enduring Farms: Climate Change, Smallholders and Traditional Farming Communities (Third World Network, 2008)

Climate change: a development change (IFAD webpage)

Water scarcity (FAO webpage)

Coping With Water Scarcity − Challenge of the 21st Century (UN Water, 2007)

Coping with Water Scarcity (UN Water, 1999)

Managing Water Scarcity for Water Security (FAO, undated)

Water for farming: Running dry (The Economist, 2008) − “The world has a water shortage, not a food shortage”.  So use wastewater! See: Reuse.

Integrated Solutions to the Water, Agriculture and Climate Crises (Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy, 2009)

Water rights: Awash in waste (The Economist, 2009) − agriculture should use water more efficiently!

Smallholder Agriculture and Food Security in the 21st Century: Research and innovation for smallholder farmers in the context of climate change (IFAD, 2009)

Food Security and Environmental Change (whole issue of Environmental Science & Policy, June 2009)

Water for Agriculture in Africa: Resources and Challenges in the Context of Climate Change (FAO, 2008)

Water and the Rural Poor: Interventions for improving livelihoods in Sub-Saharan Africa (FAO, 2008)

Policy Briefs from SIWI:
Saving Water: From Field to Fork – Curbing Losses and Wastage in the Food Chain (2008) 
  − “populistic summary” (Fundació Agbar, 2009)
Let It Reign: The New Water Paradigm for Global Food Security
Water – More Nutrition per Drop: Towards Sustainable Food Production and Consumption Patterns in a Rapidly Changing World (2004)

Audiovisual: Thirst for Food (Financial Times, 2008/09)

Book: More Crop per Drop: Revisiting a Research Paradigm (IWA Publishing, 2007)

Dry soil